Friday, June 7- PRACTICE IS CANCELLED. Practice will be rescheduled on Sunday, June 9 at 2pm at Maxwell Heights High School in Oshawa.
Sunday, April 14- (Makeup practice). Practice will be at All Saints High School in Whitby from 12-1pm.
Saturday, April 13- Practice will be at All Saints High School in Whitby from 10-11am.
Saturday, March 30th- Practice will be at All Saints High School in Whitby from 10-11:15am. This will be our annual Easter themed Practice! Half the practice will be normal and then the second half we will have some Easter themed games and some treats for the kids! All members are welcome to attend this practice.
Saturday, March 23- Practice is cancelled because of the snow storm. Practice will be rescheduled for Sunday, March 24th from 12-1pm at Maxwell Heights High School in Oshawa.
Saturday, March 16- Practice will be at Austin High School in Whitby, from 10-11am.
Saturday, March 9- Practice is cancelled and will be moved to Sunday, March 10, from 10-11am at Paul Dwyer High School in Oshawa.
Saturday, March 2- Practice will be at All Saints High School in Whitby, from 10-11am. See you there!
Saturday, February 24th- Practice will be at Father Leo Austin High school in Whitby, from 10-11. We will practice on the track. See you then!
Saturday, February 17- Practice will be at Jeanne Sauvé Public School from 10-11am. See you there!
Saturday, February 10- Practice will be at St. John Bosco Catholic school from 10-11am. See you Saturday!
Saturday, Feb 3- PRACTICE IS CANCELED AS WE ARE IN OHIO! This practice will be rescheduled later in the season.
Saturday, January 27- Practice canceled! Practice will be rescheduled on Sunday, January 28th, from 12-1pm at Maxwell Heights High School in Oshawa.
Saturday, January 20- Practice will be at Maxwell Heights from 10-11am. Dress warm! Make sure to have gloves, pants and a hat!
Saturday, January 13- PRACTICE CANCELED! PRACTICE WILL BE RESCHEDULED FOR Sunday JUNE 14, FROM 10-11AM AT MAXWELL HEIGHTS. It looks like we are gonna get a storm tonight so that will make the conditions too slippery on Saturday. By Sunday morning everything should be plowed and salted. We have a sidewalk loop that we use during the winter. See you Sunday!
Saturday, January 6- Practice will be at the Darlington Waterfront trail. We will meet in the parking lot which I have circled below.

Saturday, December 30- Practice will be at Paul Dwyer High School in Oshawa from 10-11 am. See you there!
Saturday, December 23- Practice will be at Maxwell Heights High School in Oshawa from 10-11am. Also, a reminder that there will be no practice on Tuesday, December 26th.
Saturday, December 16 and Sunday December 17- Saturday we will practice at Paul Dwyer High School in Oshawa from 10am-11. Sunday we will practice at Tooley’s mill Park in courtice from 11am-12. See you there!

Saturday, December 9- PRACTICE IS CANCELLED as we will be at a track meet in Toronto. Practice will be rescheduled for next Sunday, December 17. So we will have a practice on both Saturday and Sunday next week.
Saturday, December 2- Practice will be at Paul Dwyer High School in Oshawa. See you on Saturday!
Saturday, November 25- Practice will be at Maxwell Heights High School in Oshawa. See you there!
Saturday, November, 18- Practice will be at Maxwell Heights High School in Oshawa. We will meet on the track. See you there!
Saturday, November 4- PRACTICE IS CANCELLED!! Instead we will practice on Sunday, November 5, from 10-11am at Ormiston public School in Whitby. See you there!
Saturday, October 21- Practice will be at Long Sault Conservation area in Bowmanville. We will meet at the front entrance. See you there!

Saturday, October 14- Practice will be at the Darlington Waterfront Trail. 10am start. I will post a map below with the parking lot that we will meet at. See you Saturday!

Saturday, October 7- Instead of our regular practice today, we will be doing a practice race with the Durham Dragons and Blue Devils at Alex Robertson Park in Pickering. Grades 4 and under will run a 1lm loop. Grades 5-8 will run a 2lm loop. We highly encourage all our elementary aged runners to come out and compete! This is a great opportunity to get an extra race in before the kids school or club meets. There are no ribbons as this is just a fun race. Please wear your CK shirts or singlets. Please arrive at 9:30am..The run starts at 10am. From 11am to noon we will have a practice for our High school aged kids. Please feel free to show up a little earlier to cheer on the younger kids! See you there!
Saturday, September 30- Practice will be at Ormiston Public School in Whitby. Practice will be from 10-11:30 am. Meet in the parking lot. See you there!
Saturday, September 23- There will be no practice today. All elementary aged kids are welcome to join us for our practice meet with the Durhaam Dragons st Lakeview Park in Oshawa. Please arrive at 9:30am to warm up. Race starts at 10am. High school kids are encouraged to come cheer the younger kids on! See you tomorrow!
Saturday, September 16- Practice will be at the Darlington waterfront trail. Below are a couple pictures of where we will meet. We will meet in the East parking lot. See you Saturday!

Saturday, September 9- Practice will be at Long Sault Conservation Area in Bowmanville. We will meet at the entrance. See you Saturday!

September 2nd- Practice will be at Knights of Columbus Park in Oshawa. The parking lot is off of Farewell. See you then!
Saturday, August 26th- We will be practicing at the Darlington waterfront trail. I have attached a couple of pictures to help locate the trail. We will meet in the parking lot. See you there!

Saturday Aug 19th- Meet at Ormiston Public School in Whitby. Practice will be from 10-11:30 am. See you there!
April 16, 2023
Outdoor season begins Monday, April 17, 2023!!! We look forward to seeing everyone at Maxwell Heights!!
February 7, 2023
Hello everyone! Our next indoor meet will be on February 19th at the Toronto Track and Field Centre. If you are interested in competing, please let me know asap and we will get you registered.
Coach Luke
March 8- Hello parents! Just a reminder of the schedule change for this week. We have to move this weeks Tuesday practice to Wednesday at 6pm because Tuesday, Maxwell is being used as a Covid testing site from 4 to 8pm. We will return to Tuesday practices the following week. So this weeks practices will be Monday 6pm(Long Distance competitive), Wednesday and Thursday 6pm- regular practice and Saturday 11am- regular practice. We look forward to a warmer week of training this week!!
February 28th- We have exciting news!!! We are adding an extra practice to our weekly schedule!! Starting tomorrow, Monday, March 1, we will be running a Long Distance competitive session!! These practices will take place every Monday from 6-7pm at Maxwell Heights High School in Oshawa. These practices will be focused completely on long distance running. They are for girls who are looking at competing at the school or club level in the 800, 1500 or 3000 meters on the track or Cross Country. Practices will focus on improving our girls endurance and strength in order to best prepare them for competition. If you are unsure if your daughter might be suitable to come out for these sessions, please contact myself or coach Lindsey and we can help direct you. I would say that girls who are interested in coming out, should currently be able to run two laps of the track without stopping. If your daughter is already running in the other sessions but is not quite ready for this, that is okay, please remind her that she may not be ready YET but to keep working and she will be! We look forward to seeing you tomorrow night!!
February 16- Hello parents, unfortunately we have to cancel practice for tonight. Because of all the snow, Maxwell is too wet and slippery to practice tonight. We don’t want any of the girls to fall and hurt themselves. We are going to reschedule for tomorrow night, Wednesday, at 6pm. It looks to be a much nicer day tomorrow. We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow night!
Coach Luke
Hey guys, so we are gonna see what happens with all the snow tonight. We may have to cancel tomorrow’s practice. If we do have to cancel it, we will reschedule the practice for Wednesday at 6pm. We will let everyone know by 3pm tomorrow. We need the sidewalks and pathways at Maxwell to be cleared by the city by 6pm or we will be unable to practice. I will put a post on our website, and our Facebook page by tomorrow at 3pm letting you know if practice is a go. Keeping our fingers crossed!
Hey Guys! With the announcement from the Ontario Government yesterday, we are very hopeful that we will be able to resume training, Tuesday, February 16th! As soon as we confirm this, we will let you all know. Cheers!
Unfortunately, with the news of the stay at home order, we will temporarily have to stop running the club, as of Thursday. Wednesday evening (January 13 2021) will be our last practice. We are extremely disappointed and very sad for all the girls. Both Lindsey and I are going to come up with some ideas to keep the girls active at home. Stay tuned..